You're thinking about having your device repaired by PC Revamp - but what guarantee and warranty do we provide?
The short answer is: It differs from each device, repair or service you have carried out.
Below is an example of what guarantee/warranty we provide on a range of services we have to offer. We do ask that if in doubt, please contact us first. Below are the most common repairs and services carried out so please ask if you can't find what you need. Please also see our Terms and Conditions which explain a bit more in detail what is covered under warranty/guarantee and what is exempt.
(link can be found here)
*Up to date as of 04/02/2023
Apple Phone Screen Repairs - Lifetime Warranty
Apple Phone Copy Screen Repairs - 12 Months
Sony Screen Repairs - Lifetime Warranty
Huawei Screen Repairs - Lifetime Warranty
Samsung Screen Repairs - Lifetime Warranty
Nokia Screen Repairs - Lifetime Warranty
Motorola Screen Repairs - Lifetime Warranty
OnePlus Screen Repairs - Lifetime Warranty
Google Screen Repairs - Lifetime Warranty
Battery Replacement (All Devices) - 12 Months
Charging Port Repairs (All Devices) - 6 Months
Ear/Main Speaker Repairs - 3 Months
Apple Ipad Screen Repairs - 12 Months
Sony Screen Repairs - 6 Months
Huawei Screen Repairs - 12 Months
Samsung Screen Repairs - 12 Months
Acer Screen Repairs - 6 Months
ASUS Screen Repairs - 6 Months
Kindle Screen Repairs - 6 Months
Microsoft Screen Repairs - 6 Months
Battery Replacement (All Devices) - 12 Months
Charging Port Repairs (All Devices) - 6 Months
Speakers - 3 Months
Computer Repairs
Health Checks - 28 Days
Virus Removals - 28 Days
Hardware Installations (customer supplying parts) - No Warranty
Hardware Installations (supplied and fitted by PC Revamp) - Please ask
Operating System Upgrades - 28 Days
Battery Replacement - 6 Months
HDD to SSD Upgrades or Replacements - (Parts - 12 months, Service - 28 Days)
Laptop Cracked Screen Repairs - 12 Months
Apple MacBook Screen Repairs - 3 Months
Software Installations - 28 Days
Fan Cleaning and/or CPU Re-Thermal Paste - 6 Months
PC Builds - (Parts - 12 Months, Service - 28 Days)
Games Console Repairs
Laser Replacements - 12 Months
Service and Clean - 6 Months
Power Issues - 12 Months
HDMI Port Replacements - 6 Months
Software/Firmware Issues - 28 days